Your Relationship With Your Profile Pic

This is Tommy Romanelli. If you are in IT and live in Northeast PA (NEPA), you probably know him. If not, you should. He is one of the most influential, professional, driven and hard working Technical Recruiters in the market AND he is a genuine good guy that cares about his candidates and clients. He is making things happen. The question is, would you get that impression of him from his old LinkedIn Photo? 

But what about the wise old adage, "never judge a book by it's cover?" Well, hopefully we all aspire to live that way, but in reality we don't. At some level, we form an opinion and make certain assumptions about someone as soon as we see them. Ok, maybe that sounds terrible, but it is true and very human. 

In ancient times, before social media, the first time we would see someone was face-to-face. Now, the first glimpse we get is often on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Whether you are seeking a job, selling a product or service, or maybe even searching for the love of your life...people are going to find you on-line and "get a look at you" before they decide to hire you, work with you, date you and so on. So think about who you are and how you WANT people to perceive you. Then take a look at your "digital image." Does it match up with how you want to be perceived? Does it capture you in the best light? 

This is Tommy Romanelli's current LinkedIn photo. A photo that is worthy of his awesomeness (yes, I took it!). Now compare the two photos and ask yourself:

  • Which one would you assume has more knowledge and experience?
  • Which one would you assume is "worth more" if they had applied to your job post?
  • Which one would better represent you?
  • Which one would you want to sail off into the sunset with, sipping Mai Tai's and.... (sorry, I couldn't help myself). 

Do you see what I am saying? People are going to make assumptions about you based on your digital identity. This is your personal brand and can make a difference in getting the job, selling the deal, landing a date, etc. So look at your relationship with your profile pic and ask yourself if it is the best representation of who you are. If not, take another stab at that selfie or invest in yourself with a professional headshot. Stay tuned for more "Before & After" photos and articles from JDUB Photography.